
Hi Kim, Hope all is well Congrats on the beautiful article in today’s newspaper and great job on the seminar from Saturday! My friend & I were there & we loved it! It was SO rejuvenating & inspiring. I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for doing what you do. I’m sure you hear it all the time & are aware of how much a positive impact you have on people’s lives with your gift, but I wanted to thank you personally. My life has changed dramatically because of you. I had a session with you 3 years ago. Long story short after my session, a few things didn’t make sense initially, but I took it all with a grain of salt…. Fast forward 4 months later & everything started making sense & fell into place, as it was supposed to be! I was finally able to do something in memory of my father who’d passed away 11 years prior, to let him go…which was the release I needed. Literally two days later, I rekindled a relationship with the love of my life, 11 years after we had initially dated … Now 3 years after, we are engaged & we have a beautiful 18 month old baby I just felt it was important to you to know how thankful I am for your gift & having had the privilege to meet you. Was it not for that, I might not be where I’m at…and I wouldn’t have the honor of celebrating Mother’s Day yesterday So thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Omg unreal! It took me 11 years… As I was daddy’s little girl… On September 1st 2012, which was the exact day he passed away, I got 11 balloons with helium, went to this beach that I always went to think of him… wrote him a letter too and attached it to the balloons… As I was writing the letter, I kid you not, my hubby called me! It’s like I was letting go of one thing in order to let something positive in life changing!!! Thank you SO much again!

You are a blessing & thank you for that! Have a wonderful day!

Forever grateful,

Julie Bourque


I came to see you back in 2010 during one of your visits to Tobique First Nations. I was late, actually. It was meant to be a meeting for my husband but he was being a scaredy cat so I decided to take his spot instead.I was half hour late. You were eating lunch and told me that a spirit had said to you that you were going to be working late that day, lol. Well it was said in my reading that my husband was afraid to get yelled at by his father, which as it turned out, he was. But your reading for me really helped with so much in my life. I was given such peace of mind. And as it turned out, so too was my husband and his family. I was asked by my father in law to write out a message for all his children and give it to them, which I did and they still have it displayed in their house. One brother, before my reading, had not believed in anything to do with after life at all. Every time we go to his house now, that piece of paper with the message on it is still displayed on his fridge. You can see it every time you open the door. That makes me happy. The changes in my husband were great, also. I would say it kicked off the spiritual awakening that him and I are both experiencing. The reading really changed my life in such a positive way. We are now having such profound conversations about life and the after life and now we have a sense of relief, knowing that they are still with us. Thank you. Jess 🙂

Kimspirational, my friend, it is an honor to write this! I have always known things, how I knew them, I truly never understood. I could hear things, and what I was hearing I never understood. I have seen things, and once again, I never understood. Since you were introduced into my life, I finally understand; and it is hard to put into proper words just how grateful I am for your gift and your friendship.

Your blessed gift and your openness and willingness to share it with everyone has changed my life dramatically. I always believed in life after death, spiritual awakening, and psychic abilities, I just didn’t know how to use them. Now I do! You have taught me so much about Angels and Spirituality, believing in myself and trusting myself! You have brought me so much closer to who I am, how can I thank you? The most powerful vision I have ever had was because of YOU, I would not have had it if you hadn’t taught me the tools needed. That vision changed my life. You always say thank you to me, and I feel I don’t say it enough to you. Thank you Kim.

You are an incredibly gifted Medium and Psychic and the world will know this one day. To me, you are also an incredible friend and mentor, this gift you have given me through our friendship will always be treasured.

One love, one love, one love!

Janice MacLean


A note to a Mom to her daugters after setting up a group reading session with Kimspirational:

From Lucille Lynch; This is an email from my Mom:
” My Darling Beautiful Girls.

Thank you all for a beautiful memorable highly dramatic weekend, every bit was wonderful, being altogether was a long time coming and doubly rewarding.

Thank you to our Angel guides and all the special moments and treasures we received through our readings , Kim is wonderful and may God and his great Angels and helpers keep her safe and able to help us and others through difficult moments and times, I am so sorry I did not meet her years before.”
Rose Letourneau

Don’t let anyone tell you what you do is not important and that what you possess is anything other than a divine gift. We’re proof you work for God!
Lucille Lynch

Hi Kim, After our reading on Friday night I just had to email you again to thank you. There are so many messages you shared that have so much meaning I had not even realized but after some reflection and asking questions to those needed it has come to me. I woke Saturday morning feeling complete inner peace. (A small part of me I have been trying to find for a very long time). I have shared all messages with everyone that came through for me with the exception of one in which I need to think about how to best present it. It was really special to each one of them and not something they had expected.

After coming home and sharing all the details with my husband we were again both in tears. It is hard to put into words really, I have felt feelings in our meeting and since I have never known. I do want you to know I am very grateful and really enjoyed my time spent with you, you make things feel very comfortable.

Thank you for helping me gently close one chapter to open others.

Thanks to Kim giving my angels and other passed loved ones a voice, i am now able to focus on what i knew inside all along. My life literally stopped when i was struck by a tractor trailer last year and while my physical self was moving ahead, my self was stuck and lost. I hope to one day share with others and direct them to spiritual, mental and physical strength, share with them my lessons in life. Thank God for you Kim.

Sherri MacKenzie-Burhoe

Kim is a gift to us all. She shares her open heart and the guidance you receive is practical and to the point. If you are looking for confirmation on a question or a feeling that you have about something in your life, Kim and her angels are here to guide you. Thank you Kim for following your hearts guidance and being an inspiration to us all.

Melissa Sarazin
Author, Speaker

With Appreciation and Blessings,


Kim is my mentor. She is the one who gave me the message that I was psychic and clairvoyant. This news was a relief and answered so many questions. From there, she taught and mentored me. Since then, I have grown. She and I keep in touch and I am blessed to have met her. If if wasnt for Kim…..I would not have such knowledge! She is so gentle and sweet. I enjoy her presence immensely. She has always been there for me offering love and guidance. I love you Kim!!!!

Susan Blanchard

I attended Kimspirational`s first `Angels Speak` course in Charlottetown in 2009 and was absolutely amazed. Prior to the course I had a general knowledge of angels, but Kim`s 52 page textbook educated well beyond a beginner level. Through her teachings I’ve learned how to look, listen and feel the energy around me comfortably and effectively. Kimspirational is a true healer, mentor, public educator and gifted psychic/medium. All who listen to her powerful words will be healed. Thank you Kimspirational for all that you do.
Rachelle Wood, Registered Holistic Nutritionist

“Kimspirational is a knowledgable spiritual teacher and a gifted healer. She uses her highly evolved divine gifts to empower others to discover and unlock their own divine potential. My own experience with her, left me with a comforting awakening of personal and spiritual growth and oneness.”
Jennifer LeBlanc, Colpitts Settlement


Hi Kim,

When my cousin and I went to see you on Nov 11, 2009, you told me about your dream you had a few days before I went to see you. In your dream, you had rescued a girl that was falling. You said something tragic had happened and a boy and a girl were falling and you rescued the girl. You realized that that dream was meant for me. You were comforting her and telling her that everything was going to be ok. I told you at that time that my husband and I were in the process of adopting a baby girl from Haiti. You said that I would need to bring lots of blankets when we go. You didn’t know why but you kept on saying that they would need them. Your dream is making total sense now to me. Because of that major earthquake in Haiti, these poor children need to be rescued and sheltered.
Sylvie C., Moncton, N.B.

Hi Kim, as a follow up to what I told you about the dream you had for me. Catching the little girl in your arms instead of the little boy. You had said that something tragic had happened. You were so right because you knew that there would be an earthquake in Haiti.
One other thing you had told me was.. you said when you go get your girl in Haiti, bring lots of blankets. You did not know why but you felt that they needed them at the orphanage. Well I am folowing the blog of the orhphanage we are suppose to adopt from in Haiti and this is what they just posted today. The director of the orphanage and a few of the care givers are in Miami right now. They had flown with some children to meet their adoptive parents.
God’s Little Angels Blog:
29 January 12:10 PM
We went out and bought more blankets and supplies to take back to Haiti. It took 6 shopping carts and 2 taxis to get it back to the hotel. We bought every blanket that we could find because our staff has told us that everyone is freezing sleeping on the groud and they need blankets. Today, I rented a van to go to other Walmarts stores to buy more blankets. We will also go to Costco to get some food to take back with us. We will return to Haiti on Saturday afternoon and then start handing out supplies on Monday.
It amazes me how great you are. You have a great gift and I cannot wait to learn from you. Keep doing the good work you are doing.
Sylvie C., Moncton, N.B.


I had Jenn out for some errands yesterday and I told her about another possible location for my wedding…. I have been tossing around a few places and told her that I’ve almost decided upon the little church in Hillsborough. She said that’s it! That you had told her last year that something very special was going to happen there. She said I HAD to get married there. LOL She’s my wedding organizer btw. The church is right next to the Bennet Museum there. She had no idea at that point what would ever get her to do something important in Hillsborough. Kinda fun to know and thought you might get a kick out of it.
Kim Knowlan Stevens, Moncton, N.B.

The first time I went to see Kim I really didn’t know what to expect. I do know that I was very confused about a lot of things that had happened in that year. She really brought me to a place that I could understand and felt very blessed in being directed towards her. I felt very much at ease when we parted. I have recommended Kim to many of my friends and will continue! I’m looking forward to visiting her again in the future!
Sherry S., Moncton N.B.

“I had such a positive spiritual experience with Kim…each course gave me so much insight. I’ve learned all about the angels and I also learned more about myself at the same time. The information she provided became the base from which I create my angel readings. It gave me the confidence that I need to pursue exactly what I have been wanting to do for so long, I encourage anyone to take a class with her. It was worth every penny. Thank you so much!”

Janik Léger


I first met Kim at my friend’s Book trade event. At the time, my health was poor, my body was recovering from a recent food poisoning and my luck with jobs wasn’t looking promising.

When I heard a medium was around doing readings, I decided that it was time for another approach and to treat myself to my first ever medium session.

She made me realize a lot of what I had, of who I was and of what is in store for me in the near future. The messages were really clear and easy to understand. It really put my life in perspective of how clear the big picture was. A true eye opener in every sense. Her approach of it all was very calming and reassuring. It was a truly awakening experience as I felt my soul being lifted up by tender,compasionate angelic hands, my impurities and earthly troubles understood, and somehow knowing deep inside that help is on the way.

Time has passed since the reading and I can assure you it has been nothing short of spectacular. I realized that the messages that the angels had left me actually had a multi-layered meaning for me to understand after the session. But above all , I was able to put myself back on track, I’m more ambitious than ever and currelty having a hard time to squeeze all the things I want to in one single day. Looking back at all of this, I became conscious that I had acquired more abundance than previously mentionned in that session,I also acquired an irreplaceable friend.
Sylvie Leger, Moncton, N.B.

To write only one testimonial for Kim is not enough. She has affected me in such a positive way, that her reading has done for me what no other book, DVD, or ‘medium’ has ever given to me before. She gave me the gift, and reminder of unwavering faith. For me, there is no greater gift than to have such a validation from Spirit. The validation from Spirit that came through her – will always be with me. It was a perfectly timed synchronistic reminder that perpetually keeps me anchored in consciousness, feeling loved, and Divinely protected – whenever I reflect on it. Thanks to Kim, I am now able to communicate with one of my personal guides with clarity, and it gives me much hope for my life, and for those I love. The validation that came through was this. I went to see Kim, as I have been questioning my life and spiritual purpose. In the past few months I began a daily practise of meditation. For years I have read spiritual and self-help books, and believed I was an overly ‘sensitive’ or intuitive type. I am definitely not a psychic, but I have been to see psychics in the past. Kim told me that I was an Earth Angel, and that part of my purpose was to assist in purifying hearts. I was flattered, and relieved because I always secretly thought of myself this way. Many psychics have revealed to me truths of things that have happened, or were happening, or have yet to happen in my past readings, with surprisingly great accuracy. But, Kim’s readings are truly You-nique!

You see, despite having strong spiritual beliefs, I am also a skeptic and studied the Sciences in university. So despite my beliefs, and spiritual experiences my mind is always searching for that piece of confirming candy that says, “Aha! There you are God! I was looking for you, and finally I have found concrete proof of you!” I have noticed many things over the years, and believed I was receiving messages from Angels, including the perfectly timed appearances of butterflies, birds, owls, and feathers that Kim talks about. Yet, somehow despite all these validations, I would still fall to doubt when times were ‘tough’. However, the validation of my guide coming through in Kim’s reading – well – it is an undeniable validation that puts that skeptic in me in the corner seat where it needs to be! Throughout my reading with Kim I felt as though I was visiting with an old friend, not seeing a ‘psychic.’ Her reading was unlike anyone else I have ever been to see. She did not tell me detailed visions of this, or that coming to pass, but rather somehow in someway she was able to tap into ‘me’, and ‘my higher self’ and pull examples from my waking everyday life, that speak to me, and were confirming to me that I am where I am supposed to be. So, to get to the validation, this is just one of the many synchronistic validations that occurred because of Kim. One of my questions for Kim was to do with my parents finances.

Being the skeptic I am, I was careful in how I worded my question, as to not ‘reveal’ anything, as I wanted to hear truly what She and Spirit had to say without my interference. Right away, before I could continue my question, ensuring I surely didn’t reveal anything, She said, “One of your guides is coming through really strongly and clearly. He has something to say, . . . these are his words not mine, . . .and he wants to tell you this important message. I will write it down for you after. Are you ready?” Of course, I was ready and eager to hear what she would have to say. First she asked me, “Do you know an Uncle Danny, or Daniel, perhaps Danielle, ….no definitely a male?” My inner skeptic immediately sent up the flags, Uncle Danny, Daniel, who the heck is that? I thought, I don’t have any Uncle Danny’s in the family. But, wanting to remain open, I told myself to pipe down and listen, as I felt the urgency of the impending message, and the determination of the message to come through. Through Kim, Danny spoke these words, “I can fish for you, and we will all eat, or I can teach you to fish, and we will all eat.” She wrote it down and gave it to me, along with everything else that came up in the reading. Everything else she said seemed to jive well with me, except for the message from Danny. Although it made a lot of sense considering what was happening in the family, I still couldn’t get over the ‘who the heck is Danny?’ thing. I made a mental note, and told myself that next time I talked to my mom I would ask her if there was an Uncle Danny on her mother’s side. I was convinced it had to be someone on my mom’s side of the family.

The next day when feeling doubtful of my spiritual connections I remembered to call my mom and ask her who Danny was. My mom told me that there weren’t any Danny’s on her side, but that she was pretty sure my dad had an Uncle Danny. I was astonished…of course it made perfect sense, my question after-all was to do with my dad’s side of the family. My mom put my dad on the phone, who was rather impatiently working away at something – which was related to finances. Again perfect timing. I said to him eagerly, now feeling confident that Kim’s message was for my dad…I asked him if there was an Uncle Danny in his family. He said to me, half-annoyed….’Yeah,….what are you bugging me about now? I’m busy.” I told him I went to see the Angel Lady, and that Uncle Danny is one of my guides and he came through strong with a message for him. As usual, my dad chuckled at me in his teasing way – I am sure thinking to himself – ‘what does crazy want with me now?’ So, I told him the fishing message. Silence. My dad stammered on the phone, and said….”Don’t freak out! Promise me you won’t freak out! Are you driving?” I replied, “You are starting to scare me…what is it, tell me already….who is he to you?” My father continued, “I did have an Uncle Danny. He was more of a father to me than my own. That summer that my parents sent me away to Montreal, I stayed with Uncle Danny and Aunt Lily. Danny taught me to fish!! The only picture I have of him, is of the two of us fishing.” Aunt Lily was my grandmother’s sister, on my dad’s side. Danny and Lily couldn’t have children.

When my dad’s parents complained of the troubles of raising a rebellious teenage twelve year old boy, they stepped up and asked to help out by having him for the summer. It was one of the best summers of my dad’s life. Throughout all the years, and all the times my dad has told me about this summer in Montreal, never did he mention Danny’s name. I had no idea he was so special to him. I had no idea we even had an Uncle Danny. Danny crossed over a couple of years ago. It makes sense, as previous psychics have told me I have two guardians and Kim told me I had three. I do have three because now, I have Danny. The ‘coincidences’ don’t stop there. “Come to think of it,…” my dad said, “Danny was a banker!” He was also a hard worker, and valued earning a good, honest wage. My dad has always been that way too. Now that I know Danny is listening, I have asked him for assistance in my life, and he always comes shining through positively, quickly and clearly. He helped me to choose our new car, and the synchronicity there was revealed by the fact that the man who sold us the car’s name is Danny….and I had nothing to do with the transaction, it was my husband who was in contact with the dealership, not I! So you see, there are so many wonderful things to say about Kim and her inspiring readings, that one testimonial is simply not enough. She touches everyone she meets in a positive way, and is truly a gifted guiding light. She will help you find your connection with spirit, not necessarily tell you your future, and in the end that story will be greater to you, and more lasting than any other ‘prediction’ you can ever receive….because it also comes from within you. Much love and support for you Kim, in all that you do! Shine on my friend, shine on!! When I shared this amazing validation with her after, Kim’s response was an excited, “when you told your dad to go to bed and pray to Danny, because he is listening, you were teaching your dad to fish!! Don’t you see… she said, that is how you are an Earth Angel, that is what you do naturally.” I feel so blessed to have met Kim, and it makes me feel good to know there are Earth Angels like her in this world, helping us to find our way home.

Love Krista

Getting to know Kim was meeting myself!I am an only child but she is my twin.If something happens to me…it will also happen to her, and vice versa!Amazing! She has taught me so much about life, Angels, and the gifts we all carry within ourselves.We just have to wake up and stop being afraid to feel…and we really need to listen.Kim will open you up to a whole new world that will empower you!

Kim Guptill

Hi Kim,

What I love the most about your readings, is how much more connected to everything I feel after seeing you. It’s like you help unblock communications channels.

I want to keep the specifics of my reading to myself, as they only have meaning for me. I apologize for being so cryptic. I will say that Kim’s openess and generosity are boundless. Some amazing things happened even before the reading. Mine was advanced by about a week. While it appeared to be for Kim that we changed the date, the change was actually for me. I had a weekend class. A lot of the things that I learned through the reading prepared me for this weekend’s class. I would have missed a lot of connections or would not have embraced some opportunities if I have not been opened to them. A lot of things would not have made sense a week after the fact. Also, my reading was a little late. Something happened in the waiting room that ended up being extremely meaningful. If the appointed time had been met, I would have missed this beautiful gift.

Those two events surrounding the reading are reminders in my own life. I do tend to have a rigid schedule and sometimes (often?) get upset when things change suddenly. Kim’s positive energy helped me take everything in stride (plus I had had a “sign” before she asked for the date change, so I was actually waiting for it). For me it was a sign from the Angels – See the beautiful things that can happen when you go with the flow instead of fighting with the current to stay on the “right” course? – they whispered. – Trajectory changes can actually be so much better than the set course, they added with a wink. All that to say that true life lessons often happen when and where you least expect it. The important thing is to be open.

Kim is very aware of how powerful her gifts are, yet, she wants us to recognize the signs and feel the angels on our own. She will write everything down, even extra information so we learn to rely on ourselves and trust ourselves. From my experience, she wants to guide us and give us the tools we need to blossom on our own. That is a rare quality.

I am so very thankful that our paths crossed.
