Working with Archangels


If our guardian angels are our protectors and the ones to keep us on track, then who are the Archangels and how can they help us? Think of the Archangels as being the professors of the sky. They play special roles that are unique to their specific degrees or healing modalities. Simply put, each Archangel holds a different specialty. Archangel Michael is a good example of that.

For example, Archangel Michael is known to be the protector, he helps us when we are experiencing technical or mechanical issues. If you need something fixed, he has the skills and the know how. Archangel Michael also plays the tough guy, when it comes to getting rid of lower vibrations, clearing etheric cords to people or cutting energy to those that are draining your energy. Anything from clearing your house to blocking your ego, he is your man. Talk about multitasking! Though this is a pretty long list of abilities on his resume, Archangel Michael is not the only Archangel we can call on for help. The list of amazing Archangels goes on and on.

Archangels are non-denominational celestial beings that are there for anyone who calls on them for help. There are ways to work with them to make your experience more effective and efficient.

This class will introduce several different Archangels and what exactly they can do to help you with your everyday needs. Learn about what colors each Archangel comes as, and what crystals go with which Archangel. I will share prayers and daily exercises to use with the Archangels. I will also share some of my own breathtaking experiences I had when meeting the Archangels. And more….

DURATION: 2 hours 25 minutes consists of two parts and meditation.

FORMAT: Video + MP3 (meditation)

***NOTE: After purchase you will receive an email with the CODE to watch this webinar and the link to download the MP3 meditation and the CODE to listen to it in Open Up Wide – MY PURCHASES section.

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